Google Shopping Advertising Service

Increase your revenue right away with the best eCommerce advertising solution – Google Shopping Ads

Get in touch with Mega Digital.

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                                                                                       Questions we get asked a lot.

1. Do you commit that GMC (Google Merchant Center) will be approved?

lf it is in the domestic market, Mega Digital commits 100% that GMC will be approved when the product does not violate the policy.

lf it is a POD or Dropshipping market, it will still depend on the documents, the seller's history, and related accounts that the seller owns, so it cannot be committed.

2. Is running Google Shopping ads effective?


Currently,Google Shopping Ads is the most optimal solution for businesses doing business on e-commerce. Google Shopping Ads helps your ads reach customers with more

precise needs, along with an increase in click-through rate many times over other forms.

There are many benefits, so it isn't easy to share all of them, but the most obvious use is still increasing revenue

3. What products are suitable for Google Shopping Ads?

Products in industries such as home appliances, cosmetics, fashion, technology, electronics, accessories, etc.

4. What are the products that cannot run Google Shopping ads?


Dangerous products or services: weapons, explosives, drug paraphernalia, etc.

lnauthentic behavior is allowed: fake documents, hacking software, fraud

Inappropriate content: racist, obscene, violent, animal abuse, accident scene...

Real estate

Financial services, ticket sales, gift cards

Financial products: bank cards, gold, currency

Means of transport:Cars,RVs, trucks, boats, catamarans, airplanes, helicopters, motorcycles, mini-motorcycles, jet skis (except bicycles and trams with a speed of less than


5. After setup, will the account be owned by me or by Mega Digital?

You will own the GMC account, and the ads account will belong to Mega Digital.

6. What are the conditions for running Google Shopping Ads?

Have an eCommerce website Have a business registration license POD/Dropshipping: Selling clean products, no policy violations, no trademarks; fulfillment address (if any, the better) Domestic market: Flexible on a case-by-case basis.

7. What is your account warranty policy?

Mega Digital will provide a 20-day warranty after your GMC account is active. In addition, Mega Digital also wants long-term cooperation to avoid the event that your GMC

account or advertising account has been active but is suspended for some reason.

8. I have used another party's Google advertising account and have top-up into that party's history. Currently, I need to support setting up

GMC. Can Mega Digital help me?

I'm sorry because Mega Digital can only support customers who use Mega Digital advertising accounts. There were many cases after the GMC account was active that

customers linked with other ads to run violated products. This case is difficult to control because we do not have access to the feed. If discovered by Google, it may affect

Mega Digital's partnership with Google.

9. How many can web/landing pages be linked to a GMC account?

You can link multiple websites or landing pages to your account, but you shouldn't link too many because if your GMC account is suspended, all your other Google ads

accounts will also be suspended.

10. What are Mega Digital's payment terms?

Regarding the charging mechanism, at the beginning of the period(30 days/period), Mega Digital will collect 100% of your advertising budget in advance (minimum $1,500 for the first period) and add 60% of the service fee in advance (Service fee including GMC account creation fee and Ads account rental fee).

After the GMC account is active, we will collect the remaining 40% of the GMC creation fee. After your GMC account is connected to your advertising account and has been in operation for one month, we will collect 40% of the remaining advertising account rental fee and an additional 60% of your service fee next period.

11. Why don't you charge 100% of the cost of creating a GMC account at the beginning and then charge an ad account rental fee later after the GMC account is activated?

Many of our customers have the same questions as you. We want to make sure that customers use Mega Digital's ads account to advertise. After the GMC account is active,guests often link to personal ad accounts to run products that violate policies. This part is set up from the customer's feed, so Mega Digital cannot control it. Mostimportantly, if our accounts were penalized by Google for policy violations,Mega Digital's partnership with Google could be affected.

12.What is the difference between renting an ad account from Mega Digital and using my ad account?

Mega Digital's account is a Google partner's account, so advertising campaigns will be more stable, avoiding unusual errors. In addition, you will get direct support from Google so that appeals will be processed faster, and all kinds of problems can also be received for correction. Moreover, when you are our customer, you will be updated with the latest information and programs, supported with new types of advertising and new features launched by Google or organized by Mega Digital. Most importantly, when you run ads with a large budget, experiencing unusual issues in your account, or having your budget regularly reviewed by Google can significantly damage your campaigns.

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